
Inbox on phone

Why Is Email Marketing So Powerful? 

If you have news or information to share, email is one of the best ways to do it! Email marketing has the power to connect with your target audience in a personable way; it is fast, easy, and effective! Emails allow organizations to speak directly to consumers. The difference between email marketing and social media is that you own your email list, living without the fear of losing followers like on social media. Producing an email is more than just pasting text on a template and pressing send. Your email should have a tasteful design, represent your brand, and make users want to read and interact with your content. 

Email Design Tips


Your email design should represent your brand. Emails give you a lot of room to work with when it comes to graphics, content, and typography. Your brand has the power to shine through an email by placing your logo in the header, linking to social media channels and websites, and using your brand’s color template.

Consider Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is the arrangement of elements based on importance and relevance. When building an email, you should keep in mind this principle. By placing the most important information in the header, and trickling down other information as users scroll, people will spend more time viewing your email. Repetitive patterns are also something to keep in mind when creating your email. If users know what to expect as they are reading, they will find information much easier to navigate.  


Colors not only hone in on a users’ emotions, but they should complement the context in which they are placed. Varying colors throughout the body of an email will not only segment information clearly for readers, but your email will be more engaging and pleasing to look at. Different color palettes come and go in waves; colors tend to match the season and moods of users. For example, neutral tones are used commonly in the spring, where bright colors are seen in the summer. 


Differentiating font choices in your email makes content less repetitive and can evoke a range of emotions as well. It is important that your font choices are easy to read and clear against the colored background used.

Animation and Video

Animations and gifs should not be ignored in your email marketing strategy. Adding movement to your email draws the eyes in, and leaves a lasting impression on your audience. When using a gif, the choice should be intentional; the animation should accomplish a goal that cannot be done with solid text. Be sure to not overuse animation, as it can be distracting if it is overdone. 


Above all else, make sure that your email design is simple. With the endless options of colors, graphics, backgrounds, and images, it can be easy to jam-pack your email with too many visuals. Utilizing white space, and a simple design will ensure that your message is clear and concise. 

Make It Mobile-Friendly

In order for emails to be successful, they must be accessible for everyone! Research shows that 70% of people read emails on their phone instead of their computer. To increase accessibility on mobile devices, be sure to stick to a single-column template so that images and text aren’t cut off. 

Subject Lines Impact Open Rates

Subject lines are extremely important because they are the reason why a person decides to open your email or send it to their trash. Make sure that your subject line is intriguing, informative, and appeals to your audience. Including emoticons, exclamation points, and capitalization are all ways to increase open rates. 

Additional Tips

Lists and Collecting Sign Ups

You have a great email, but how do you find the people to send it to? Outreach to build your email list includes options to subscribe on social media or have a signup form on your website. Make people want to subscribe to your email by giving users a sneak peek and prove that you have valuable information that is relevant to their life.